We Can Help You Get Your Book Published
You finally found the idea you wanted to turn into a book. Or you have a manuscript, maybe your dissertation, the one that is ready to be unleashed upon the world. Now what do you do? Having published 1,500 books, we have a good idea how to go about this process. We can help you with
- Drafting a book proposal
- Researching the right publisher
- Connecting with an appropriate publisher
- Negotiating terms when you have the interest of a publisher
- Keeping you on-task so that you finish writing
- Reviewing what you have written
- Helping you market the book
- Using the book to further your career
Regrettably, we won’t ghostwrite, rewrite, or copyedit for you, but we can point you to experts who can. Call for Roadside Service!

We Can Help You Get Published in Journals
Your academic career is dependent on getting published in good journals for tenure and promotion. You can do the research but negotiating the journal submission and acceptance process is a mystery. We’ve been editors of two journals and have worked with hundreds of other journal editors, so we know the process well. We can help you with
- Finding the right journal
- Connecting and negotiating with the journal editor and publisher
- Shaping your article to meet the needs of the journal
- Responding to peer reviews
- Keeping you on-task so that you finish writing
- Navigating the journal production process
- Publicizing your article so people pay attention to it
No, we won’t write your article nor put it in APA format for you, but we can point you to experts who can. Call for Roadside Service!

We Can Help You with Your Academic Writing
You’re stuck on page 7. You don’t like what you wrote. The chapters don’t seem to follow in proper order. You want your writing to be more vivid. What should be a table and what kept in text? Can you really write this as a dialogue rather than expository text? All academic writers run into road hazards. Some run out of gas. Others worry about the pinging under the hood. We can help you with
- Getting started, keeping going, getting finished
- Planning a writing schedule and milestones
- Structuring your work
- Editing it for content, sense, flow
- Linking you with professional developmental editors and copyeditors to help
Run into writing trouble? Call for Roadside Service!

We Can Help Scholarly Organizations Who Publish
Scholarly organizations are regularly publishing books, journals, and other material, either by themselves or in partnership with professional publishers. In either case, staff at the organization is rarely expert on publishing and often combines the publishing job with many others. Yet, the financial ramifications for doing it right (or wrong) are large for the organization. Distribution, marketing, production efficiency, economics, electronic platforms, copyright law. It’s a huge amount to learn. Why not get help from the experts, who have advised many academic organizations on publishing issues and served as publishing partners for dozens of others. We can help you with
- Evaluating copublication offers from professional publishers
- Setting up cost efficient editorial, distribution, production, printing, and marketing systems
- Seeking partners for publications
- Assessing the costs and benefits to the organization of different publication strategies
If we don’t have the expertise on your specific problem, we can help you find an expert who does. Call for Roadside Service!

We Run Workshops to Help You and Your Colleagues with Writing and Publishing
Problems in academic writing and publishing occur all over the university with every scholar in every department. How better to help your department, your college, your professional colleagues than having a workshop to impart basic information. Or a longer writing weekend to actually churn things out with an expert facilitator. We have run dozens of workshops, ranging from an hour to a week in length, to help scholars write and understand the publication process. We can do one for you on
- Getting your work published
- Getting a book published
- Getting a journal article published
- Effective scholarly writing
- Marketing your work
Request a workshop for your department, college, or professional association. Call for Roadside Service!
Our Academic Program Improvement service description is still in transit. We’ll bring it home soon.

Scholarly Roadside Service
Who We Are
What We Do
Help Getting Your Book Published
Help Getting Published in Journals
Help with Your Academic Writing
Help Scholarly Organizations Who Publish
Help Your Professional Development Through Workshops
Help Academic Organizations with Program Development
List of Clients
What They Say About Us
Online Help
Important Links
Fun Stuff About Academic Life